Wednesday 7 September 2011

Penny and The Quarters

Spring has finally sprung! So it's time for some music and lovely pictures. The Sherlock Holmes Compendium has been consuming a fair portion of my readings lately, so no new books to rave about just yet - only the classic works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle... which isn't a bad thing, no sir, not in my opinion.

Other than reading, seeking out new old music (I'm feeling particularly partial to 60's rock and soul at the moment), attending many many many 21sts (which is more of a love-hate relationship than you'd think), uni and various other fun-filled activities, I have not been up to much... 

This spring weather has been rather glorious though!

Now, as you may or may not know, I am slightly addicted to interweb shopping. It's not a terribly degrading addiction, but my bank account is not looking particularly healthy. HOWEVER, I love books, and books must be bought and treasured, so I thought that purchasing this lovely-looking copy of Essex County by Jeff Lemire was rightly justified.

*tips hat*

photo credits out to Top Shelf Comix, a few of my friends and a few of my own.

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