Thursday 8 September 2011

Alice in Wonderland

So I've been thinking about it for a while, and I want my 21st party theme to be Alice in Wonderland. I've loved the book since I first got it when I was five years old, so it seems pretty appropriate both nostalgically and  Plus it's a theme that people can really get into.... and I can make heaps and heaps of decorations... yay! 

Here are a few ideas I've had so far.....

1) A long table with loads of teapots on it.

(This is a still from the first motion-picture adaptation of Alice, directed in 1903 by Cecil Hepworth)

2) Laterns and fairy-lights around the trees etc. in the front and back yards.

3)  A confusing sign-post (like in the book).

(this is not a sign-post, but it's still rather pretty)

4) A Cheshire Cat hiding in the garden somewhere. (maybe a Jack'o'lantern one?)

 5) Lots of mirrors re: Alice Through the Looking Glass...

6) Excellent Invitations.

7) Cakes that say "eat me" (in icing) and cups with labels "drink me" 

 8) Costumes. Everyone must wear costumes. Otherwise I will consider them party-defectors and they shall be sent home. (If I'm feeling particularly notorious it might be 'off with their heads!')

(Original sketches for Alice's costume in Tim Burton's film adaptation.)
9) B.Y.O. Teapot or teacup? (still unsure about this idea, but it could be fun!)

10) Lamps and rugs and other inside furnishings outside to make it sort of topsy-turvy. Also armchairs. 

11) Gloden key-shaped confetti, playing cards, candles, flowers in varying vase-sizes on the tables (white tablecloths) 

12) Making the front door into a looking-glass so that when you enter, you have to go through the looking-glass. (Oooh clever, did you see what I did there?) 

(Little bit in love with Mia Wasikowska at the moment ... she was brilliant in Jane Eyre.)
13) Plywood cut-outs of flamingos as croquet-mallets, cut-outs of other characters eg: the White Rabbit, the Fish Footman, the Dormouse, the March Hare, the Card Soldiers etc. 

(All of these wonderful original illustrations are by John Tenniel)
14) Rabbit paw-tracks through the house and yard leading in different directions
15) Put fake roses into the hedge out in the back yard with paint-brushes next to them - "Painting the Roses Red"

(Isn't this a beautiful garden!)

16) Strawberry Daiquiris, Pimms, Champagne, Ice Tea, Punch. 'nuff said. 

Oh, and beer for the boys.

17)  Food: a big ham with rolls on the main table, cupcakes, sandwiches, salads, bread-and-butterflies, chocolate fountain? Lollies, Candied rose petals, birthday cake.... amongst other yummy morsels.

18) Gaaaames! (other than just having a rollicking-good time getting rather sloshed) include: perhaps an "I'm late" sack-race, "Clean Cup" where everyone has a place at the table, and every ten seconds everyone must fill the plate with as much food as possible, then we say "Clean cup, clean cup! Move down, move down!" and move to the next place. When you get back to your original place setting, you must eat as much as you can, and there is a prize for the most potent/creative/revolting concoction! 

...more ideas for this very happy unbirthday to come!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Penny and The Quarters

Spring has finally sprung! So it's time for some music and lovely pictures. The Sherlock Holmes Compendium has been consuming a fair portion of my readings lately, so no new books to rave about just yet - only the classic works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle... which isn't a bad thing, no sir, not in my opinion.

Other than reading, seeking out new old music (I'm feeling particularly partial to 60's rock and soul at the moment), attending many many many 21sts (which is more of a love-hate relationship than you'd think), uni and various other fun-filled activities, I have not been up to much... 

This spring weather has been rather glorious though!

Now, as you may or may not know, I am slightly addicted to interweb shopping. It's not a terribly degrading addiction, but my bank account is not looking particularly healthy. HOWEVER, I love books, and books must be bought and treasured, so I thought that purchasing this lovely-looking copy of Essex County by Jeff Lemire was rightly justified.

*tips hat*

photo credits out to Top Shelf Comix, a few of my friends and a few of my own.